Women guardians of heritage and art from all walks of life (The weavers)

The month of heritage, allows us to know the diversity of the Algerian heritage, according to the location and the geography of the territory, it represents a know-how, an architecture, beautiful and ingenious. In this production both women and men participate, we highlight the participation of women in culture and the preservation of Algerian heritage. A rich feminine artisanal heritage exists, the craftswomen are numerous by their work of embroidery, weaving, sewing, pottery, basketry which deserve all the care and the value which is due to them.

The most famous weaving in Algeria is that of Babar in djebel Ammour in the wilaya of Laghouat, it is famous for its “simple and clean style”, it comes in several models of natural colors, and patterns representing the local tribes.
Fatma Kaabache is president of the association of weavers that she formed with her daughters and that works for the preservation of the female know-how of the weavers of Laghouat, She exhibited the carpet of her region in several wilayas despite all the difficulties, Expensive wool, no transportation from her home to the bus station, her age and her illness.
Her work consists in transmitting ancestral colors, images and reproductions, she continues to do so through washing, carding, dyeing and spinning wool while putting herself to the taste of customers, small models, in bags and backpacks.

Weaving is not an easy task, but they all continue to carry this know-how despite all the difficulties. A heritage that exists by and for us.

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